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How Education Impacts Your Salary

17 Oct



How to Land an Internship

28 Sep

There are several important steps you need to take when attempting to land the internship you want. We decided to compile all the best tips and tricks out there. Take a look at what we came up with and let us know what other things you would suggest.

1. Know where to find all the best internships available:If you’re in college, check your schools website for internship opportunities. There are usually internship listings for each major. Utilize your LinkedIn account and see if there are any possibilities to network with your existing connections or discussion boards you could join. There are sites that you can surf through to look out for opportunities all over the globe like This site is also great for reading their tips and suggestions on internships.

2. Create a solid resume: Need to know what to include on your resume? The format and content included in your resume is the most important part in gaining the employers attention. If the employer does not care for the format you have chosen or you seem to have gaps in your resume they are likely to not bother calling you. Recent studies suggest that employers spend 7 seconds reviewing your resume. That’s it. Review this guide on what to include in your resume and how to include it.

3. Do not forget your cover letter: Each cover letter you write needs to be tailored to the specific job you are applying for. Yes, this is time consuming but extremely important. Employers can easily tell who has researched their company and who rushed through the application process. Read these tips and don’t forget to proofread!

4. Dress to impress: Each job has a different dress code requirement, but all of them expect you to dress professionally for your interview. Don’t ruin your chances by not dressing the part. Read these tips by Sherry Maysonave  on how to dress for success.

5. Ace the interview: WSJ mentioned this article by Penelope Trunk as an important source for learning interview tricks. While the MySpace reference is a little outdated, the points are extremely important and the article include links to further your research.

Are You a Freshmen Statistic?

20 Sep

Alright all you college newbies, read this!

Facts of College To see the enlarged version.

The Science of Salary

12 Sep

Ever wonder whether you’d be happier if you made more money? Check out this infographic that rates a person’s level of happiness compared to their profession.