Tag Archives: Textbook

WSJ Announces the Advances of Chegg

30 Aug

After starting your first year of college, one thing is clear: IT’S EXPENSIVE! Of course, everyone warned you of this minor detail, but you don’t really feel the pain of all the extra costs until you are really in college. One resource that I wish I had taken advantage of is Chegg. This website allows you to rent textbooks for a substantially reduced price. While renting means there is a due date, it’s after exams are finished. Meaning, as long as you aren’t planning on studying up over break, which it’s called “break” for a reason, then this is really a great resource for those who need to save a pretty penny.

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article on how Chegg is working to help out students with other challenges including: course planning, note taking and tutoring services. To read the full WSJ article click here.

If you are a current college student take a look at the website and let me know what you think!

How Chegg Works

If you have used Chegg before, what was your experience? Do you have any advice on using Chegg?